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Exotic culinary PDF Print E-mail
Written by Customer Service   
Monday, 20 March 2023 00:00

ere are some interesting exotic culinary of South Sumatra and Palembang city:

  • Pempek: Fish cakes served with unique Palembang cuka (vinegar)
    • Pempek Kapal Selam
    • Pempek Lenjer
    • Pempek Adaan
    • Pempek Keriting
    • Pempek Lenggang
    • Pempek Panggang
  • Kelempang: Fish crackers served with hot chilly sauce
  • Nasi Minyak or Nasi Samin: Fried rice mixed with milk and enriched with unique spices, served with Lamb curry, mango hot chilly mixture, and kelempang, particularly served during special occasions such as wedding ceremony.
  • Nasi Ibat: Steam rice cooked with unique spices, originated from Pagar Alam, an inner town of South Sumatra's recipe
  • Variety of Sambals (Hot Chily Sauces)
    • Sambal Lingkung: Unique Fish based Hot Chilly Sauce
    • Sambal Bacang: Bacang Mango based Hot Chilly Sauce
    • Sambal Nanas: Pineapple based Hot Chilly Sauce
  • Pindang: Fish hot-sour soup, more likely as Tom Yam of Thailand. There are variety of pindangs according to where the recipe originated from and what kind of meat/fish cooked.
    • Pindang Pegagan
    • Pindang Musi Rawas
    • Pindang Meranjat
    • Pindang & Pepes Tempoyak
      • Pindang Tulang
      • Pindang Udang
      • Pindang Patin
      • Pindang Baung
      • Pindang Ikan Sale, etc
  • Tempoyak: Fermented Durian fruit meat
  • Brengkes Tempoyak: Fresh water fish steamed with unique recipe, among others with kunyit (curcuma), hot chili, tempoyak and salt; wrapped with banana leaves then steamed for about 15 minutes.
  • Tekwan: Unique fishball soup
  • Lempok Durian (Durian candy)
  • Berugo or Burgo
  • Mie Celor: Palembang's unique noodle
  • Laksa: Pempek served with curry soup
  • Martabak Har
  • Celimpungan
  • Mak Suba
  • Kue Delapan Jam
  • Sarikaya
  • Lemang: Sticky rice cooked with coconut milk and spices in bamboo

Famous Pempek Brands/Stores:

  • Pempek Pak Raden, across Polda Headquarter just 300 meter / a walk distance from Penginapan Lebar Daun !!!
  • Pempek Nony, ditto
  • Lenggang Bioskop Saga
  • etc


Last Updated on Monday, 20 March 2023 01:30