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Palembang's Water Transportation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Djoko   
Wednesday, 11 October 2006 09:50

Piers / Terminals for water transportation of Palembang city !!! where you can find your Speedboat, Ketek or Sampan for your memorable discovery of Musi Tour.

  1. Sekanak
  2. Bekang (Pembekalan Angkutan)
  3. Benteng Kuto Besak
  4. Dermaga PariwisataPasar 16 Ilir
  5. Rumah Buruk
  6. 10 Ulu
  7. Tangga Masjid
  8. 7 Ulu
  9. Kampung Kapitan
  10. Pasar Induk
  11. Tangga Buntung
  12. Pasar Kuto

Don't miss the tour !!!!!!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 11:12